Calvin shared the idea of Luther that the Bible was the only standard for a life of faith, although he disagreed with Luther on the defense that it was the submission of the State to the Church, nor in his theology on the Eucharist . Many of the principles of Calvinism, had strong social implications, in particular noting that the economy, industry and hard work are part of moral virtue, and that success in business is an evidence of divine grace.
Macro and Micro Sociology.
the macrosociology is aimed to a global system such a civilization, and microsociological is more focused on the social relations between individuals and their linkages with the social totality. These areas very closelly related. However microsociology takes more specific stuff for observation, easy to experience daily, and thereafter gradually moving towards more complex sets and abstraction, which are macrosociological level, so that the transition is less abrupt as possible.
The purpose of sociology is the explanation and understanding of global societies. That is, tends to macrosociology, but it is clear that without understanding the phenomena one by one individual integration, family, and other small size is virtually impossible to understand the society as a complex whole
Global systems, societies, cultures, among other organizations are determinant in our present. Always equipped with counterparts, societies and peoples have, however, totalisante value, not land space but in time in human history. In contrast, economies, cultures and states are not real but wholes global representations relevant analysis can be drawn from previous wholes. Mesosociology in the other hand is more specialized in the activities that the groups normally do.
Organizational Culture
miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010
In most religions the material way, is not enough, for religion if u have too many stuff , there is no way you can reach peace or hapiness, for it, turning our attention to the spiritual side is everything. The material is limited to when it fails to appeal to the unlimited Divine.
Exchange conscious energetic forces are the basis not only desired by the wider society, but, for those who seek transcendence through the pain and fear in order to reach a divine energy.
Leer fonéticamente
Pain and Fear are very important to religion because it helps gettin closer to our spiritual side. In Buddism, Buddha was between pleasure and pain. He found out that both partas were a painful and shallow path. Even he had good times, they did not gave him internal peace. Then Buddha decided to follow the Middle Way and focus on the present moment, instead of extreme solutions abroad. Drew attention to its interior and carefully considered what was happening in his body and his mind.
Judaism has similar perception, since you can avoid pain, don't you run away, instead you have to learn how to accept it and grow your spiritual side. They have all kinds of sacrifices such as the kosher, the sabbath among others also they have suffered a lot through their history, however that is not too bad because according to them, those scarifices are making them closer to God.
miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010
life in North-Korea
North Korea t is a country isolated from the rest of the planet for over 50 years, is within the, nobody, by the constant threat of nuclear weapons, dares to mess with them. There is severe oppression to over 26 million people. North Korea has impressive avenues but there is no one transit, Farmers use trees as fuel and building materials, this left the country with no forest.
What is certain is that in this nation there are two parallel realities, one that goes in the eyes of the few tourists who dare to go there, could happen in a short time you have died of boredom of being a tourist to know that even you can not devote to tourism because you always carry in police custody and is only possible to take photographs of the sites that they authorize.
Certainly the North Koreans live in a country where there are no crimes or prostitution, or drugs but the cost for this social cleaness is a deprivation of our liberties, the country has impressive avenues but there is no transit. The fear is constant in this country and the government uses it to control the whole population.
Unlike Cuba, North Korea is bordered by the free world. It is perhaps the most watched online world since the father of current leader pounced on the south in the 50's, at the height of communist expansionism. This is the only road to the crossing. The pillars on either side of the road are there places to dump them on the road in case of invasion, thus preventing the passage of tanks. Even in the North Korean government that lives in another era.
North Korea is a paranoid state, where the cult of leader Kim Jong Il is mandatory, if you do not want to end up in a reeducation camp. ''Our leaders are never wrong!''Says a senior North Korean government. When the reporter asks what will happen the day that mistake, if they can be replaced, the same official thinks and says,''I do not know, that never happened ...''
The whole country is a huge paradox: while the ninth nuclear power boasts of his fighting force, half the population lives on the edge of malnutrition. The masses are mobilized daily to keep alert to block imaginary enemies and foreign issuers to not leak any information from abroad.
What is certain is that in this nation there are two parallel realities, one that goes in the eyes of the few tourists who dare to go there, could happen in a short time you have died of boredom of being a tourist to know that even you can not devote to tourism because you always carry in police custody and is only possible to take photographs of the sites that they authorize.
Certainly the North Koreans live in a country where there are no crimes or prostitution, or drugs but the cost for this social cleaness is a deprivation of our liberties, the country has impressive avenues but there is no transit. The fear is constant in this country and the government uses it to control the whole population.
Unlike Cuba, North Korea is bordered by the free world. It is perhaps the most watched online world since the father of current leader pounced on the south in the 50's, at the height of communist expansionism. This is the only road to the crossing. The pillars on either side of the road are there places to dump them on the road in case of invasion, thus preventing the passage of tanks. Even in the North Korean government that lives in another era.
North Korea is a paranoid state, where the cult of leader Kim Jong Il is mandatory, if you do not want to end up in a reeducation camp. ''Our leaders are never wrong!''Says a senior North Korean government. When the reporter asks what will happen the day that mistake, if they can be replaced, the same official thinks and says,''I do not know, that never happened ...''
The whole country is a huge paradox: while the ninth nuclear power boasts of his fighting force, half the population lives on the edge of malnutrition. The masses are mobilized daily to keep alert to block imaginary enemies and foreign issuers to not leak any information from abroad.
jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010
north korea and south korea

The two Koreas have a long history of unity however their situation nowdays is awful. The country got split into two countries after World War II, North Korea took a communist government from the Soviet Union, while South Korea became a democracy with the western influence. While North Korea has been gone backwards in every possible aspect, South Korea has found wealth and succes at nationally and internationally. As they grow in success, and exapnd its market around the world.
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Pyonyang |
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Seoul |
South Korea became a democratic nation, however. The war destroyed the country and it was very hard to governmen. Economic programs that leaded South Korea thorugh the industrial path and development.
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seoul's metro. |
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Pyonyang's metro |
To conclude, South Korea is a democratic and free country where its citizens enjoy all the freedoms, while North Korea is a dictatorial and tax territory, where people are prosecuted for minor discrepancies.
miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Why do people Migrate?

Types of Migration
Internal Migration: Moving to a new home within a state, country, or continent.
External Migration: Moving to a new home in a different state, country, or continent.
Emigration: Leaving one country to move to another (e.g., the Pilgrims emigrated fromEngland).
Immigration: Moving into a new country (e.g., the Pilgrims immigrated to America).
Population Transfer: When a government forces a large group of people out of a region, usually based on ethnicity or religion. This is also known as an involuntary or forced migration.
Impelled Migration (also called "reluctant" or "imposed" migration): Individuals are not forced out of their country, but leave because of unfavorable situations such as warfare, political problems, or religious persecution.
Step Migration: A series of shorter, less extreme migrations from a person's place of origin to final destination—such as moving from a farm, to a village, to a town, and finally to a city.
Chain Migration: A series of migrations within a family or defined group of people. A chain migration often begins with one family member who sends money to bring other family members to the new location. Chain migration results in migration fields—the clustering of people from a specific region into certain neighborhoods or small towns.
Return Migration: The voluntary movements of immigrants back to their place of origin.This is also known as circular migration.
Seasonal Migration: The process of moving for a period of time in response to labor or climate conditions (e.g., farm workers following crop harvests or working in cities off-season; "snowbirds" moving to the southern and southwestern United States during winter).
Citizens may be hurt by competition from immigrants who are willing to work cheaply. However that immigration brigns several benefits to the country's economy. Immigrants aren't just a weapon against inflation. The tens of thousands of illegal nannies in the Los Angeles area, for example, lower the cost of child care, freeing mothers to return to work. This in turn increases families' incomes, which encourages spending and fuels the economy. The sales taxes they pay on all those consumer purchases boost the state treasury. The growing number of immigrants who use false papers to get payroll jobs are contributing to Social Security without the right to receive payments from the fund.
India's Presentation.
In this presentation we learned that indians have a very paternalistic attitude to their employees and also are very concerned for employees that goes beyond the workplace. So they care about the enmployees' Involvement in their family, housing, health, and other practical life issues.
Honor and reputation play an important role and the personal relationships as well. They are crucial to conducting business and are based on respect and trust. It takes time to develop a comfortable working relationship and you will need patience and perseverance.
Decisions are reached by the person with the most authority, but reaching that decision can be a slow process.
Switzerland presentation:
The Swiss approach to business can be classified as orderly and thoughtful where pre-planning and risk-aversion are very important. The type of crisis management is equal to lack of control.
Horizontal organizational structure is they way swiss work, that means that hierarchy and levels of power are not that highlighted like in other countries. The decision making involves managers and employees Takes time because for the Swiss is important that employees participate and feel involved in the process. People prefer to have the freedom and individuality, free from external interference or close supervision, so they don't like teamwork.
jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010
what is a manager today and what it should be?
A manager, for more comprehensive deemed never may lack the intuition to guess what might happen, so that now more than ever we need men and women who go beyond strategic planning. The route to compete in this changing and increasingly complex, embedded in the information society and constantly exposed to technological advances, there can be other than the scenario planning. Managers should be able to overcome the traditional strategic planning, so fashionable in the past
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Traditional Management |
Be noted that workers are trained with a multifaceted approach (given the organization of processes and teamwork of the companies of the new era) as opposed to specialized training (given the organization traditional business functions) will be a great dela for the organization, this way the emplyees will feel better and also work better because they'll feel a warn enviroment where they can work with no pressures.
Class august 27th
In class we discuss about the role of the manager in organizations and how people think the are superheroes who dont make mistakes, and the way the solve problems they could've caused; The rest of the class we saw how organizations are managed in Brazil and England.Organizations are very vertical, there is a gap between employees and managers and English organizations are a bit more open however they are very strict in managerial issues and once the make a mistake they try to overcome it without making a big deal out of it, in the other hand brazilians orgqanizations are very traditionalistic with a lot of restiction and rules.
jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010
class of august 12th
On august 12th we learned a lot about the Subjective vision of organizational culture, and how important it is for the development of the organizations, because employees shape a general subjective perception of the organization based on factors such as the degree tolerance, and teamwork. This overall perception becomes the organization’s culture. These favorable or unfavorable perceptions then affect employee performance and satisfaction, with the impact being greater for stronger cultures, other important issues to discuss that invlove the subjective vision of organizational culture are Shared assumptions, Values, meanings,understanding and Corporate image.
This are the characteristics for a succesful expericence in an organization:
1. Memebers identity
2. Emphasis on groups
3. Indirect focus on people
4. Integration of units
5. Control
6. Risk tolerance
7. Reward criteria
8. Emphasis to ends or to means
9. Open system approach
10. Multiplicity and interaction of cultures
2. Emphasis on groups
3. Indirect focus on people
4. Integration of units
5. Control
6. Risk tolerance
7. Reward criteria
8. Emphasis to ends or to means
9. Open system approach
10. Multiplicity and interaction of cultures
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