jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

class of august 12th

On august 12th we learned a lot about the Subjective vision of organizational culture, and how important it is for the development of the organizations, because employees shape a general subjective perception of the organization based on factors such as the degree  tolerance, and teamwork. This overall perception becomes the organization’s culture. These favorable or unfavorable perceptions then affect employee performance and satisfaction, with the impact being greater for stronger cultures, other important issues to discuss that invlove the subjective vision of organizational culture are Shared assumptions, Values, meanings,understanding and Corporate image.
This are the characteristics for a succesful expericence in an organization:
1. Memebers identity
2. Emphasis on groups
3. Indirect focus on people
4. Integration of units
5. Control
6. Risk tolerance
7. Reward criteria
8. Emphasis to ends or to means
9. Open system approach
10. Multiplicity and interaction of cultures

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